Monday, 15 April 2013


      .....SACRED BEAST"

The experience of this journey - 
Being able to sit still 
Watching -
Witnessing -
Breathing -
Without making it all so tangible -
Without tripping over the barbwire -
Without noticing that somewhere -
In the distance 
The beaming light that once shown brightly
Was now only just a flicker....

This was the challenging part.......

She was in the perfect place
To give herself permission
For this deepening to unfold.
She had prepared for this -
She had welcomed this part
Of her soul's expression
To spiral

Grasping -
At the pieces of her life -
As her mind played it out -
She allowed herself
To feel what surfaced -
To 'Really' feel what surfaced -

This was the scary part.

She noticed in the unraveling
That there were segments
Of this spiraling -
That had somewhere in the past
Been decided upon - by her -
To be 'Deliberately'
Left out.
Places in her memory
That were forbidden
To stay fully
Why was this?
What was there?
That was 'Not' to be felt?
And why was there
So much resistance and guilt?

There was something
She was afraid of
A Powerful nature -
An Enignatic nature -
A Beastly nature -
A wild and expansive part of herself
That was so, so misunderstood.
One that would rip
Into shreds -
All limitations imposed upon itself.

Yes -
It was there -
Afraid to come out
And make itself known.
Afraid to come out
And declare it 'Presence'.
Afraid to come out
And claim its destined place
Within the unraveling
And 'Unification' -
Of all the frenzied faces
Of her souls experience...
It so desired to 'Imprint'
Its mark  -
On this journeys path.
To be 'Included' in the embracing
Of 'Total Heart'.  
It so craved
To be 'Witnessed' -
To be 'Loved'.

This was the missing part.

Was the world ready
To receive such energy
Without Fear?
Was the world ready
To receive such energy
Without Judgment?
Was the world ready
To create Safe Space
For this energy
To allow itself
To be clearly defined
In the 'Birthing
Of its Fury -
        Its Truth -
           Its Purity -
From the depths of its bowels 
Within its Wild and Beastly nature?

She wasn't sure.
But she did know
That it was totally up to her
To create Sacred Space for this unfolding.....
It began with her -
And intertwined within her
For the foundation to be laid.
She somehow had to wrap herself
Around the knowing that
This' NOW' moment
Was a trusting space
For all of this to take place.
And that in this allowance
For the 'Beast' to appear -
She would' Feel' its Sacredness

For in this exquisite moment  -
The gully
        Of Disconnectedness -
          Would  - without question 
               Implode and Transcend -
                  Becoming the bridge
                        Of Connectedness.

And the 'Beast'
In its Rawness -
In Primal scream ..
Would once again......
Walk 'Sacred Space'......
Guided by the 'Hand of Spirit'..
And radiate 'Total Heart'....
Giving way to the 'Love'..
It had forgotten for itself
Long Ago....

                        In Primal Heart........