Saturday, 29 December 2012

The Pearl

The painful side of life -
Can receive
A lot of attention.

Warned -
Not to touch the fire -
Does not necessarily mean
One does not touch it.
The under belly of our souls
Can scrape very close 
To rasors' edge -
On a downward fall of
Everyday life -
Everyday routine -
Everyday habits.

The 'Pearl'
Inside the oyster,
Hides itself
Within the membranes
Of it's kind.
Protected by hard shell -
Clammed shut  -
Ocean deep.

The 'Pearl'
Within ourselves,
Sits stirring
Unraveling -
Inside the framework
Of lessons learned
Or not -
And holds the promise
Of' 'Becoming' -
From pain -
It thinks
As real.

We seem to keep giving
Back to life -
The very thing
We wish to release.
Our patterns of self destruction 
Are circular -
And spin faster and faster.

At some point
The oyster cracks open
And reveals its 'Pearl'.
At some point
We too  -
Must crack open
And reveal our 'Pearl'.
Our Soul
Demands this.

The painful side of life
Can receive
A lot of attention.
The painful side of life
Is really -
Not " REAL."

                    In Heart ........

Copyright © Angelica Burns 2013. All Rights Reserved. No part of this website may be reproduced without Angelica Burns' express consent.


Friday, 28 December 2012

The Week After

I have been wondering -
As I sit here with my early morning Earl Grey tea  -
What -
Pray tell -
Is this all about?
It is December 28th, 20l2 -
Just one week after the welcomed / dreaded Winter Solstice
That we were told would change the world, mankind, life,
And anything else that has been our reality
Up to now.
This event has literally
Come and gone.

On a very deep level -
I have been preparing myself for this day
Event /Death / Re-birth -
For an extremely long time.
And now -
Just like that -
It has gone.

Gone where?
I ask this question
As I sip more tea,
And ponder my life and my place here.

I know in the deepest
Resides of my soul -
How this all works.
Life, Death, Rebirth -
My Lessons -
This school called 'Earth'.

But now what??
There seems to be this void -
'Black Hole'......
From whence I stir in
Mixed up with past memories  -
Of life.....
As I have known it.

In this moment -
On some level -
I am feeling deeply deceived
By the process
Of  'Becoming' -
And ashamed
For feeling this way.
Because I know -
Somewhere inside me
That this feeling also -
Is apart of the 'process'.

Where do I go from here?
This day - and the next?
A familiar 'ground hog day' scenerio.
I ponder once again -
Look out the window -
And sip more tea.
Maybe its time
For coffee......

In Reflective Heart,

Copyright © Angelica Burns 2013. All Rights Reserved. No part of this website may be reproduced without Angelica Burns' express consent.